
I had the SRT for my twin and I because our journey has been hell to say the least. We have had interference from dark force energy continuously and could never seem to get and peace. Whether in seperation or together. When I had the srt session she hit very single damn nail on the head! Sorry for being so blunt but I was literally mindblown!! Things I felt but could not put my finger on she said it. Things I felt deep down but never really had proof of she saw clear as day! I was not only impressed but felt very confident in my own truth. I didn’t feel much the following days I thought I would feel light and airy I didn’t I felt a deep deep introspection into my self and my inner wounds! A lot was brought up for clearing. I had to sit through what felt like a dark night of the soul. But a few days after that ..... so much changed! It was like my twins heart chakra had finally burst open and he told me things that I never even thought he could comprehend much less say out of his mouth!!! So much healing began and it was literally like a snow ball effect. Things have really began to change and I am so so thankful that I chose to do this therapy it was worth every cent!! I am so thankful for you! I pray Hod continues to bless you to do his work!! You Are out here changing lives sis!! Really changing lives!! Bless you.
No Communication Reading
This reading that i just received, brought light into all the doubts and fears I had for the past 1 month. With no communication and a sudden breakup, its just too painful and difficult to move on. I get insights of why, who, how and when from this reading. It's so so helpful as it gives me clarities and clears off all the question marks (???) that I have since 'd' day. I feel like a heavy burden inside of me had been lifted off instantly and spirits are with me in this journey. I thank maid4luv for her time and effort put in this reading and channelling all these wonderful messages and guidance from spirits to me.
I know from the first day I'm drawn to your YouTube reading that you will be able to help me and you really did. I can't help but to thank you enough as you have no idea how much your love and care means to me. You are truly an Angel..
Metal King or Devine Masculine Reading
This reading provides me with clarities especially on things that was not on shown on the surface, things and emotions that was hidden and happenings behind the scenes. Before the reading, I have so much emotions imbalance in me and lots of doubts and fears. After the reading, at least I have insights of things that I thought it was but in actual fact, it wasn't. And with spirits messages and guidance, I can see the light on why this needs to happen and divine intervention had to come in to bring back balance to this situation. I thank maid4luv for her reading and efforts in channeling spirits guidance and messages which brings me so much clarity and peace and how I can be a much better and stronger person moving forward.
Metal King or Devine Masculine Reading
My beautiful counterpart, so stubborn so difficult so challenging, the one who triggers everything at the same time. If you are a twin, you know everything about this, extreme happiness and sorrow in the same package, at the same time. Because there is silence, we only know our side, our feelings. We tend to forget this is a connection, one soul and two lives... We think that this is personal, something against us This reading gave me clarity and help me to gain perspective. The Metal King is also experiencing challenges, fears, and sorrow. Thanks to Maid4luv, I've discovered things I've never imagine about my counterpart. Understanding brings forgiveness and healing.
Third-Party Reading
Deep inside I didn't want to know what was happening. I was afraid to face reality. But I came to the realization that I couldn't fully understand this connection without knowing the whole story, the other side. With this reading and thanks to Maid4luv, II understood there is a reason behind it. I was not alone in this journey. Everyone suffers, it is not just me. Unconditional love has so many aspects. Maid4luv helped me to see beyond my own pain.
Love Reading
I came across Maid4luv on YouTube and from the first video, I was hooked!! It seemed as if EVERY video resonated with my situation . I booked my first Love reading in August 2019 and have been obtaining readings ever since. Her delivery, honesty, knowledge and her voice, man listen. Maid4luv is the truth and I highly, highly recommend her. Her gift will bless your life immensely.
Past Life Reading
Maid4luv is an exceptional spiritual person. The reading I received from her was a past life one. Not only was Maid4luv on point but also finely intuned into offering great wisdom and insight on my spiritual journey. I would highly recommend getting a reading from her because she is highly knowledgeable and gifted.
Shannon P
Past Life Reading
I highly recommend the past life reading. After getting a past life reading from this wonderful reader, I was able to understand why things were the way they were. She advised me on what to do and what was blocking my abundance. I'm elated to say, after taking her advice. Good things started happening in my life, doors that seem would have been open started doing so. I've recieved blessings upon blessings.
Past Life Reading
It was a very thorough reading and discussed what my purpose was; helped me know these things were meant to be for me to transmute it. My twin has issues too but I can’t do anything about it. Helped me understand what happened was not for me to take personally but his issues.
Twin Flame / Soulmates Reading
this was my first reading with Maid4Luv. At that time I was feeling extremely sad and confused. Its been 20 years of this twin flame rollercoaster. I was so confused about the whole situation, I was tired of fighting my feelings. I just wanted peace, I just wanted to understand why his silence was killing me inside. I finally decided to book a reading. It was something about Maid4love that was encouraging. I felt her energy and compassion. This reading was so clear and finally, I started to understand the dynamic between my twin and me.
Twin Flame / Soulmate Reading
My name is Charlene. I received a twin flame/soulmate reading. Maid4luv is so thorough in her readings. Her energy is real and vibrant. I felt really happy finding her channel and honored that she was able to give a reading and shine some light before my birthday about my twin!!
Twin Flame Reading
I received an accurate and life changing twin flame/soulmate reading from Maid4Luv! She articulated/confirmed things I once sensed true but doubted; it was empowering to discover information regarding how my soulmate connection was to fulfill a contract to allow me to step into my true powers. I was on and off with my soulmate and didn’t understand why, but I ultimately got the full picture of the situation with the reading’s details about the thought process, feelings, and blockages of my soulmate. The reading helped me decide it was unlikely the end of my soulmate relationship and to continue my in-person connection with my soulmate. Additionally, I highly recommend Maid4Luv’s service because she not only is skilled at helping others, but her jokes and charisma is what made the reading resonate and enjoyable.